fredag 23 januari 2015

Creating the exterior of the building

Today we started to create the exterior details of the building, which can be seen on the screenshot above. We created grids for the windows and the ledges below the windows by looking at the photos we took last time. Erik also started to work on the 7-Eleven sign which will be placed under the windows in the front of the picture.

Next time we'll continue working on the exterior details on the other side of the building and on the roof. We might also start to add textures and do some simple rendering if we have the time.

måndag 19 januari 2015

We have started working!

Monday, January 19

Today we created the base model for the building using Blender, which now looks likes this. We also went out to take some photos of the actual building at KTH and measure some distances.

We used an isometric image from Google Maps to create the footprint of the building. We then extruded it and started to work on the roof. We put vertices so that the real distances will be the same as in the Blender model.

The next step wille be to start working on the details using the photos we took today.

Learning some Blender basics and taking photos of building faces!

Finally we have started the project!

Today we have watched some introduction videos about blender, learning how to edit models and things like that. We found this video:

which we thought was particularly good!

After a while we needed a break and some fresh air, so we went over to KTH to take some photos of the building's faces. Here's a picture of Niclas taking some photos!

Now we're gonna try to model the building a bit more. Maybe there will be one more update today, otherwise; see you another day!